31 December 2007

Old Owl

A wise old owl sat in an oak.
The more he heard, the less he spoke;
The less he spoke, the more he heard.
Why aren't we all like that wise old bird?
- Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes

14 November 2007

I'll Let You Decide

It's not a matter of what I say or think. It's more of a matter of what your opinion is. You would rather believe in what you want to believe in than the truth that I have.

06 November 2007


Would the show of my anger solve any problem that cannot be undone?

29 October 2007

In The Dark

It's so blatantly obvious to me, yet I wonder if it's the same to you. You look so cluelessly ignorant of what's lacking.

16 October 2007

Coin Return Lockers - Updated

To my uttter annoyance, all lockers has been taken. Full house in the pool today? Seems not. Some token-hogging-swimmmers decided to keep those locker tokens to themselves, eventhough they are miles and miles away doing anything but swim.

04 October 2007


I don't have to give you a reason why I don't like you. Giving you a reason doesn't make me dislike you less. Why bother knowing the reasons when i might dislike you no matter what?

20 September 2007

I am who I am

I rarely admit to what I'm not. I'm honest, thus I admit to what I am.

06 September 2007


Why bother making a scene or throw tantrums when there is no one around to be witness of your childish act?

16 July 2007

Ask and You Shall Be Given

Press the right combination of keys and you would gain your answer. Expect me not to volunteer too much details.

08 July 2007

whilt: Cross Lighting

Using the a strobe and the sun (as a secondary light souce) to light up your shooting target.

07 July 2007

Wind of Change

A change is near. It's time to try something new. It's time to spice things up. It's time to blend everything together.

04 July 2007

Under My Nose

I seek for answers in far away lands. Unbeknownst to me, the answers had been lying right in front of me all along.

02 July 2007

Coin Return Lockers - Updated

To my uttter surprise, our world class swimming pool is doing just that. No more excuses for the lack of security at the swimming pool. No more excuses for not swimming that extra 10 laps.

22 June 2007

Letting Go

I feel no speed. I feel a drag. I can smell something burning. I can see the red light is still on. For the umpteenth time, I've forgot to release the hand brake.

Reminder to self: be mindful, and constantly alert. forgeting to let go can be a drag.

11 June 2007

Coin Return Lockers

It would be nice if swimming pools were to invest in one of those lockers where you can get back your coin. Maybe with this minor addtion of free secure storage space, it would slightly encourage people to swim and feel safe about their belongings. The reasoning being, since they've invested so much on the whole swimming facility, what's the harm in investing that little more on those lockers?

08 June 2007


An occasional jab of disappointment would only make you stronger, and strive for more to become stronger.

05 June 2007

Thank You

It's not that hard to show your appreciation. It's not that hard to show your courtesy. It's not that hard at all. A simple thank you will do the job nicely.

31 May 2007


Just the right amount will do. Not one too many or one too less.

27 May 2007

Avoiding YOU

I'm tired. I'm annoyed. I'm hurt. I'm sick of you. I'm lying. I'm doing this on purpose.

25 May 2007

Outrageously Annoyed

Am I just another one of your play thing?
Am I only being thought of when you are lonely?
Am I only being sort after when you have ran out of choices?

05 April 2007


My work here is done. It's time to retreat to where I came from. It's time to become obscure again til when I'm needed again.

02 April 2007

Fare Ye Well

"Well, I'm a man of many wishes
Hope my premonition misses
But what I really feel my eyes won't let me hide
cause they always start to cry
cause this time could mean goodbye"
- Lately by Stevie Wonder

31 March 2007

Shut It

I can pretty well speak for myself. I don't need your help putting words in my mouth.

30 March 2007


I'm fighting a battle with no foe.
I'm fighting a battle with no hope.
I'm fighting a battle with no victory.
I'm fighting a battle with myself.

28 February 2007

Wishful Thinking

How I wished you would stay. How I wished you would reconsider. How I wished for so many things. How i wished... Yet, reality dictates that it would be very irresponsible of me to hold you back from your flight, your dreams, your future.

18 January 2007


The expressions, the emotions, the words, the horror of that one day... it all felt and sound so familiar. It was as though I was reliving that instance of my life all over again.

17 January 2007

Miss you

What makes you think that I do not miss you? What makes you think that I do not think of you? What makes you think that I would not give up everything and to be beside you?

12 January 2007


Life's not all about work. There's more to life than just work, work and more work. There should be a time to meditate, to read, to sing, to eat, to hang out, and to do nothing at all. Life should be like that.

02 January 2007


Out of the blue, thought of you. Out of the blue, miss you at the same time. Then again, it's more like I think of you all the time and miss you dearly constantly.