31 December 2000


It's that time again for fireworks. It's also time for "auld lang syne" and reunions... or the start of another disaster?

05 December 2000

When we were young?

Having some flashbacks on those younger days with so many friends around, when life was so simple.

06 November 2000


Back from the grave. Back on my feet. Back to work.

13 October 2000


You can never tell what lies behind until it is really taken down.

10 October 2000


In a terribly frustrated state as employers are looking more for paper qualification than anything else - obviously, I don't have anything impressive to impress them.

08 September 2000

The "One", Not

She may be the "One" you have longed for, but "You" are not her's.

07 September 2000

The "Game"?

Felt tired, and helpless, thought of giving up... then again, let me rest for a while. I'll be back.

31 August 2000


Thus marks another year for our country's independence. This very day also marks my first day relieved from work. Shit! Jobless again. :(

27 August 2000

Letting Go

Should learn to let go, better to leave it when it's still in one piece, than when it breaks later on in life.

24 August 2000


Perfection does exist in this world. It's just a matter of whether you can reach it or not.

17 August 2000


"I am lost. I have no idea where I am, or where I am headed. Where is my guide?" "Sorry boy, you are on your own. Find your own way."

07 July 2000


A dream is what keeps us poor people focused every day.

06 July 2000

A Little Extra

Just that little extra step or giving that little extra effort might make a whole lot of difference to our life.

04 July 2000


You accomplish more by taking action than waiting for it to happen.

01 July 2000


I might be different, I might be strange, at least I live the way I like, rather than following the mainstream.

26 June 2000


Looking things at every possible angle might be one of the biggest discovery of our life.

16 June 2000


What you want, may not necessary be what you can have. It's like love, you may love him/her, but it does not mean that you can be with him/her.

03 June 2000

Lose hope

You have forsaken me once, twice... I forgive you. But you have done it thrice to me in a row.

28 May 2000


My view of things is from my own perspective of things. No one can say I am wrong as they are not in my shoes.

21 May 2000

Right or Wrong

"You, of all people, what right do you have in saying whether I am right or wrong!"

03 May 2000


Showing interest in someone may be look upon as a crime by others who is incapable of expressing themselves.

30 April 2000


What is left of life if we can't do what we desire?

22 April 2000


Everyone thinks that their "story" is the best, the most dramatic or the most interesting. In reality, all "stories" are just a variation of ONE "story".

12 April 2000


Who can mend a broken mirror? None, I suppose.

10 April 2000


Understand that all human have their shortcomings. If this world to be so perfect, there would be no man kind at all.

01 April 2000

The Edge

We are always on the verge of right and wrong, true and false, yes and no, etc... thus making it very hard to say who's right, and who's not.

29 January 2000


Think, rethink and rethink again before making any decision. Same for words that is going to be spoken.

27 January 2000


Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

25 January 2000

Be content?

Should we be content of what we have now? Or should we risk that security in search of the perfection we might not find?

17 January 2000


Try the alternative, you might make something out of it. If not, at least you've tried. It's the initiative that counts.

14 January 2000


Throw away all the feelings, and you'll have a heart that is as calm as the surface of a lake.

07 January 2000


Stop, and consider for a while. Are we rushing into things we don't really want to?

02 January 2000

Out of Reach

Some things are just out of our reach, especially the things you wanted most.

01 January 2000

Happy New Year

All are too lonely to be at home that all come out to gather with other lonely soul to count down for the coming of a new year.