23 November 2003

Easy Way Out

It's easier to run away than to face the actual problem at hand. There are times when the so called problem would just dissolve by itself. On other times, matter would just be as it is, or get worst.

22 November 2003

Car Flooding

Cars are like flood water. They are everywhere at this time of the year.

21 November 2003


Every now and then, we would do things out of habit. It might not be the smartest way to do it. Yet, we still choose to do it that way. All this could have been of the memories that linger around that thing, or it's just pure old habit that doesn't follow normal reasoning.

20 November 2003

In The Know

It's as if everyone wants be known that they are in the know.

16 November 2003


What is life? We use this term so often that it is about to lose all significant meaning. What's no life? Does not going out count as no life?

15 November 2003


Someone would be envious of someone else at a certain point of their life. One would get a chance to play the former or the latter at different stages of one's life.

11 November 2003

Hue of Emotions

It left as fast as it came. One minute you can feel as if you are deep down in the pits of endless sadness and loneliness. The very next, you could feel as if you are high above the clouds, savouring joy and happiness. That's how fast ones emotion can change.