21 February 2002

The best

It may be the best, but is it a must that we have to possess it?

12 February 2002


Be wise to do things ourselves. Be wiser still to delegate it if possible.

11 February 2002

In control

Every thought, every sensation is of the making of our own perception. We decide how and what we want to feel.

06 February 2002


You are aware of it. You are well prepared for it. Yet, you still feel the punch when it comes along.

05 February 2002


Come along if you want to. I would not want to beg you or force you. Not that I can't go on without you. It's just that it would be really nice to have you around.

04 February 2002


Stop. Take a look at yourself before you go criticizing others.

03 February 2002

Don't then!!

If you are not willing in doing it, hell, don't then. Don't give me excuses.