29 August 1999


Be grateful that someone actually thought of you when they want some company or an audience to listen to what they have to say.

28 August 1999


Give others your time, and they might give you theirs.

27 August 1999


When you are down, and can't find a place for shelter, there is always a place to go back to - your home.

26 August 1999


Everyone wants it. Just that some gets more of it, some don't. Appreciate it while it last, it might not be there for long.

25 August 1999


We usually misinterpret our infatuation for someone as "Love at First Sight".

24 August 1999


It's great to be remembered of, especially during special occasions. Thanks Sharon, sk, lupricas, butterfly, Tiger, news, hwang, juliet, nes-lo-ais, Garfield.

23 August 1999

Letting Go

Shouldn't hold on to something too tight. Should know when to let it go and when to give yourself a break, and get on with your life.

22 August 1999


Be content of what you are and what you have. You are one in a billion. No one have what you have. You are special in some way which no one can be.

21 August 1999


Take every moment of your life as a new learning experience. Learn from what you see, experience or hear.

20 August 1999


Don't have too high of an expectation on things. Not that we have no faith on the matter, just that high expectation usually equals to high let down when things go wrong - sandy says so.

19 August 1999


Do it NOW! Do whatever you want to do at the very moment you think of it, else you'll regret it if you don't. Opportunity only comes once in a life time.

18 August 1999


As the saying goes, "All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy". Play hard while having a focus on what you should do. No point having the first quarter of your life wasted all on books, while thinking of having time in the future to do what you have missed out during that period of your life. Sorry to say so, but you won't find the time if you can't find it now. Have a break now, and play!

17 August 1999

Happy Days

Happy days usually don't last very long. Whenever you think you are at the top of the world, be ready to embrace yourself because things are going to turn bad soon. Look on the bright side, because those bad things usually last shorter than those happy ones.

16 August 1999

Forgive and Forget

Don't Forgive and Don't Forget - stop torturing yourself. Forgive and Forget - no point in forgiving in the first place. Forgive but Don't forget - you'll learn from it.

15 August 1999


Sometimes we shouldn't be looking for some payback when we do some deeds for others. Just give them all you have to offer, then your effort would have been paid back already due to your sincerity.

14 August 1999


No harm being scared of some things, cause we are still human. Not that we want to make an excuse out of it, it's just that we are not ready to face it yet.

12 August 1999


A mood change, from low down to cloud nine. Why? Just because of a simple hello. Thanks nes-lo-ais.

10 August 1999

Friends and company

They are there when you needed them most. That's what everybody thinks anyway. From what I've been through, it doesn't seem to work that way. In real life, most of the time anyway, they seem to be out of sight and out of reach at those moments of need, how ironic.

09 August 1999

Some thoughts on belief

Have your own belief, but don't indulge in it too much. You might not know when it might give up on you. You might not know too when you will lose faith in it. So be cautious on what you believe in, let it be religion or friend.

07 August 1999

Love at First Sight

Never thought that I would believe in such a thing, not that it would happen to me anyway. But after experiencing it myself, I would never doubt it again. Now, I'm proud to say that, there's such a thing as Love at First Sight.